Morepork Design Blog
This is where we post interesting web design news, the latest updates from the Morepork Design HQ, and anything we think is worth sharing!

An amazing example of a live web app.
Check out this awesome web app that gives you a live visualization of the current weather over the whole planet! It's such a clean and simple page showing off a complex web app using live weather data. earth :: a global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions...

How to Design With Type on a Photo
Check out this fantastic article from Designmodo - designing with text overlaying images can be tricky, and they have some great tips to help you get it done. We do graphic design here at Morepork Design, and if you need anything like this done for you, we'd love to...

The History of Website Building
Here's another great article from Designmodo. This time it's in the form of a nice infographic by Diana Valeanu. The graphic begins in the early 90's, with the HTML era. It runs all the way through to today's responsive design, online website builders and static...

Michelsen Computers New Website
We're very excited to be close to releasing the updated site for our partner company, Michelsen Computers. We redesigned the logo and branding for a cleaner, more modern look. The new website is fully mobile responsive, resizing to suit any screen size. The old site...

What Do You Think About the Gmail Redesign?
As most of you have probably noticed, Google has redesigned Gmail significantly. They have also discontinued an old favourite - Inbox by Google. A lot of the design features of Inbox seem to have been moved across to the new Gmail interface. It's clean and efficient,...

Generate Full Favicons The Easy Way
Here is a brilliant tool for all you web designers and developers! I bet most of you have encountered issues getting favicons to work consistently, especially when dealing with different browsers. Favic-o-Matic will generate favicons, from .ico and .png file types,...

Free clean and simple icons for your website
Web designers, graphic designers and UI designers will love this site! Flaticon.com is a collection of modern and 'flat' design icons, covering a massive range of categories. It can be hugely time consuming to design your own icons. Especially if you are a developer...